Learning and Research Success:
the role of libraries in the IT age

Eberhard R. Hilf and Julika Mimkes
ISN Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg, GmbH

with the inclusion of remarks by some from the audience, noted by name


Slide 1

Learning and Research Success:
the role of libraries in the IT age

Eberhard R. Hilf and Julika Mimkes
ISN Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg, GmbH

A personal view at the recent past of everyday-learning and teaching at German Universities, contrasted with a future scenario.

Requirements for some services are compared with present realizations

--thrown in is: what I learned at this conference..


The past age of frustrations: the students view

Suspicion, when teaching methods, content, and books stay the same in 50 years in contrast to the rapid progress in the sciences.


The past age of frustrations: the teaching staff's view

Same suspicion....


The past age of frustrations: the librarian's view

The suspicion, when for 100 years the methods, the distribution, the means, and the business model for information services stay the same in a time of rapid change.

The past age of frustrations: the government's view?

The future scenario: Student's imagination

I am the future of a competitive industrial country and want to be optimally served to get prepared.

The future Scenario: teaching staff's imagination

We lead the nation in research and most professional teaching

The future Scenario: the information center personnell

The IT service personnell at the University, distributed across campus at all research and teaching units, forms one virtual center.

The future Scenario: The voters imagination

Government should ensure the international industrial competitiveness and cultural and scientific front- running.

What we learned here.. (a personal collection) [Tuesday]

Active politicians: -.-

Maurer: Don't think, this is done by the external supercomputer.

Prime: Don't manage change, stay ahead of it.

Petry-Eberle: carving as a way to reach personalization..

Büttner: the Bielefeld-tuesday law: the intranet traffic grows exponentially with company size. Thus the development in the world is the more underestimated, the bigger the company,
-- just as the dinosaur body's interior did not mind the climate change..

Requirements for eLearning organizing the classes [Platforms]

eLearning platform realizations

Management platforms, which try to fulfill the requirements are e.g.

Requirements for creating eLearning modules

eLearning Modules

A multitude of collections

Multitude of Categories

texts, pictures, animation, interwoven with other distributed modules
[see e.g. physics of the inner human ear by C. Ecke with an applet of Univ. Wuppertal.],
interactive: Mathematics-Module 'waves' [C. Ecke], angular momentum [ online, offline].

Requirements for Retrieval of eLearning modules

To assure the fullest, instant, worldwide content retrieval one needs:

The North-German Physik Multimedial project

addresses basic physics for non-physics students

tasks of Oldenburg

The techniques chosen, allow for worldwide distributed databases, editors, entrypoints - to be organized regionally by the respective IC of the Universities.

A realization of Retrieval: Lili

What we learned here.. (a personal collection) [Wednesday morning I]

Thorhaug: Our Danish heroes hope to fight the prices down by the market of small libraries and countries

Bode (BMBF): Mehr Geld in alte Dienste bremst die Entwicklung.
New money for new services.

Scientific Information: Requirements for Portals

Entry-Points and Portals of Science

Requirements for Long Term Archiving of Distributed Documents

Realizations of Long Term Archiving

There is no realization yet.

Scientific documents: how to distribute and publish them

The eDocuments "Publish first, evaluate then" needs a new concept for professional distribution instead of the traditional 'journals', and the department servers.

The German Academic Publishers Network Concept GAP

The local ICs form a distributed network of local publishers, with a joint concept, quality control levels scheme, software, topical collections, integration into international retrieval.

Scientific documents: Retrieval

Recommendations by the Open Archive initiative.

Scientific documents retrieval: a realization

Open Archive Distributed OAD for Physics [joint NSF and DFG project]

What we learned here.. (a personal collection) [Wednesday morning II]

Stones: Google puts now paid ads at top of ranking.

Vogts, Wegener, Bolk, Gutbier: very professional new services are ready to use

What we learned here.. (a personal collection) [Wednesday afternoon]

Androvic: Global players but individuals out in the dark!

Dyer: Open Access will lead to World Wide Wisdom.


What we learned here.. (a personal collection) [Thursday]

Hilf: bother about costs at Libraries? I am on pension..

The End

Sincere thanks of us all go to Dr. Neubauer for his professional lifelong smooth and audacious frontrunning in transforming IT at Universities.

I remember many of the earlier respectable workshops of this series, many meeting where he showed to be open minded and open to new developments. New services came out from here.- and new views.

Thank you and your crew for this professional, international and fruitful workshop.

The Beginning

I welcome him at the club of active observers of the future developments
- - which is the responsibility of you all.

Some Tasks for the Information Centers at Universities

Professional information services at Universities in the future need new structure and profession.