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The industrial revolution from Printed Matters to the world wide web of electronic hypertexts is a phase transition to a new-age-of-information, remoulding almost all aspects of life.
We here dwell mainly on the impact on the Physics Community. Many aspects, however, are not specific to Physics but apply basically to many other fields of human activities especially in science of course.
Physics means searching for the laws of Nature by experiments and by developing theoretical models casted in mathematical structures to predict the experimental results. The question here is, what can information technology help and how will this process be affected by the new age of information.
In the first part I give scenarios of some aspects of physicists work.
We then will present the action that the German Physical Society DPG is planning in close cooperation with the APS, the American Physical Society.
Only specific action, world-wide coordinated and interlinked with other fields activities will be able to actively participate in the casting the future.
Sun Sep 18 19:55:15 DFT 1994