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Actions of the german Physical Society DPG

The german Physical Society has set up a committee for Electronische Fachinformation und Kommunikation ELFIKOM to advice the DPG in these matters.
ELFIKOM had had its first meeting in July. Members are delegates from Physics Departments, of Industry, of the commercial server FIZ Karlsruhe, the TIB Hannover (a large state Library), of publishers (Elsevier, Springer, CH), of computer centres. Permanent guests are the Societies of Chemistry, Information Science, Mathematics. For the APS R. A. Kelly was invited presenting the lines of the APS. It was decided that the tasks should be worked out and persued in close cooperation with the APS and hopefully in the future other national Societies.
In the past, the German Science Ministery had had a national programme with about 45 Physics departments to implant and distribute the use of using commercial data servers such as STN and the FIZ-Karlsruhe.
Since then, each of the departments has a highly educated expert and a local system of education and training.
Sun Sep 18 19:55:15 DFT 1994