Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften (IBU)

Seedbank investigation

Possibilities of establishing wetland vegetation from reactivated seedbanks

The aim of this investigation was to find out, if the species found in the seedbank are suitable for initiating a succession of plant communities typical of fenland and whether rare or missing species can again be permanently established in the respective areas.


Within the area of the fenland "Baccumer Bruch" fenland horizons filled up in the course of melioration were uncovered down to depths of 80 cm. Simultaneously, the groundwater level was raised by disconnecting drainage ditches. Depending on the humidity of sites a development of different reed and sedge communities was initiated from the diaspore bank, which may build the basis for a new development of fenland andmay eventually lead to the development of alder swamp forests. In another part of the investigated area, a former fenland which had been turned into a maize field after sustained drainage, fenland soil horizons were excavated, intermediately dumped and then incorporated into the embankments of restored running and stagnant waters. In these areas a very high dynamics was observed during the first years of development.

The present study describes the initial situation, the results of investigations on the diaspore potential, and the development of vegetation three years after completion of the restorative measures.


Meliorated fenland used for agriculture (picture I)

Uncovering of the fenland horizons (picture 2)

Fenland after completion of the restorative measores (picture 3)

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