Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres - Mathematische Modellierung

Tiger Graphics Software

PFotos Version 1.3

PFotos is a little piece of software to make statistics on large amounts of images in different image formats, including raw formats.
PFotos is a stand-alone application that provides statistics on cameras, lenses, aperture and other image information taken from the EXIF data embedded in the images. It is non-destructive and works on large catalogues or directory structures.

Still, there is an issue with PFotos and MacOS X 10.14 (aka Mojave): Since Mojave is ignoring color settings from Tck/Tk most of the buttons are not readabel.
We could fix this issue with below mentioned version PFotos for Mac OS Mojave but the fix requires the installation of Tcl/Tk version 8.6.8 (at least) from ActiveState
We are waiting for the announced update of the MacOS embedded Tcl/Tk package.
Even with the update to Mac OS-X 10.14.1 the issue has not been fixed.
Moreover, the update to Mac OS-X 10.14.6 in July 2019 raised a new issue: packages built with and for Tcl/Tk 8.6.8 force Mac OS-X to force a user logout as soon the Tcl/Tk wish starts. An upgrade to Tcl/Tk 8.6.9 via the above mentioned link provides a fix. Sorry for that.

PFotos Manual
PFotos for Linux (64 bit)
PFotos for Mac OS up to High Sierra (10.13.6) (64 bit)
PFotos for Mac OS Mojave (10.14) (64 bit)
PFotos for Windows (64bit)

Click on a link to start download

Version History

PFotos 0.2

Fixed some hidden bugs and introduced drag&drop functionality to start PFotos by dropping selected images and/or folders onto the desktop icon (most ”fun” again to get this running on Microsoft Windows ).

PFotos 0.3

Fixed the Mac OS-X Mojave (10.14) issue

PFotos 0.4

New feature: Checkbutton to exclude those images with empty EXIF time stamps.
New feature: PFotos remembers the last geometry and the selected view at restart.

PFotos 0.5

New feature: New function to save the current selection as a PFotos data file.
New feature: New function to rename PFotos data files.
Changed feature: The former Export to CSV was changed to Export to text to separate from the new feature to save the current selection.

PFotos 0.6

Stability: Handling for non-image files fixed when generating thumbnails.
New feature: New type of ”Selection Window” with tiled thumbnails with a fallback to a button list for too large numbers of images.
New feature: Possibilty to define a list of directories to be excluded from selections and statistics on demand.
New feature: Possibilty to define a list of file types to be excluded from selections and statistics on demand.
Several fixes for bugs and inconsistencies.

PFotos 0.7

New feature: Possibilty to define a list of file root names (filename without extension) to be excluded from selections and statistics on demand.
New layout and look: The ”old” button list for long lists of images now gets the thumbnail image on the button when selected.
Performance: Storage of once generated thumbnails in a hidden directory in the PFotos data directory.
Several fixes for small bugs and inconsistencies.

PFotos 1.0

New feature: In the tiled selection view, mouse over gets the short EXIF information displayed as tool tip.
Fixed UTF-8 issue for Microsoft Windows when displaying detailed EXIF information.

PFotos 1.1

New feature: User definable colors for background and foreground (text)
New feature: Search and Marking functionality in the detailed EXIF information window

PFotos 1.2

New feature: EXIF information of individual images can be stored as plain text
New feature: The operating system’s default file browser can be launched at the individual images’ parent directories

PFotos 1.3

New feature: Histogram of image quantity over time
Bugfix: Export of current selection corrected (mismatch to internal data structure repaired)
Update: exiftool: Version 11.76 included in the Microsoft Windows package